Metrowest Oil Service offers several heating oil delivery plans and payment options. From "will call" and C.O.D. deliveries to automatic delivery and budget payment plans -- you choose the type of service that's right for you!
Just like it sounds, MetroWest Oil Service will monitor your heating oil usage and deliver oil throughout the year, assuring that you never run out of oil. This delivery option offers peace of mind, knowing your heating system will keep you warm year 'round.
For customers who prefer a pay-as-you-go plan, simply check our website for the daily price of heating oil, then call our office to make your order. There is a 125 gallon minimum required to get the daily price. New customer's who choose payment on delivery may pay in cash or by credit card or debit card. (MetroWest Oil will also accept personal and business checks from credit-worthy new customers who complete our credit verification process.)
It's not too late to sign up for the Metrowest Oil Budget plan! We offer a convenient way to spread your heating oil costs over 10 months. Your estimated monthly payment is based on your annual heating oil usage times an estimated price per gallon. We review the figures mid-season to make sure we are on track to prevent a large balance pay off at the end of the season in May and June. You automatically receive our daily cash price as a Budget Plan customer in good standing. Non-covered service work is paid separately from the monthly payment. Another convenient option is to pay automatically by Credit or Debit card. You will receive a monthly statement showing all activity from the previous month. Participating in the Metrowest Oil Budget Payment Plan is a wise decision.
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